Labour’s partnership with United Way Southern Vancouver Island

United in Caring

United Way has a strong and long-standing partnership with organized labour. The National Partnership Agreement between United Way Centraide Canada and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) was formed in 1988. The CLC is the largest labour organization in Canada, bringing together dozens of national and international unions, provincial and territorial federations of labour and community-based labour councils to represent more than 3 million workers across the country.

As the local organization for the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), the Victoria Labor Council (VLC) plays a vital role in its partnership with United Way Southern Vancouver Island.

Both nationally and locally, the United Way and CLC and its affiliates share a common vision of an inclusive community with a wide range of social and public services that are accessible for everyone. Many of the caring, committed people who support United Way are union members.

Labour representatives have designated seats on United Way’s Board and Labour Committee; as Campaign Associates; on workplace campaigns and as Labour community advocates.

United Way Southern Vancouver Island has a staff person devoted to connecting with the labour movement. The Labour Coordinator ensures United Way and labour leadership works collaboratively in support of common values. The role promotes and strengthens the relationship by working with unions and members in our annual community campaign.

Our Impact Together

Unions are an important force for democracy, not just in the workplace, but beyond.

Here in Canada, we have a strong social safety net to catch us when we need help. That’s due in part to the strength of the Canadian labour movement.

Union members further strengthens the safety net by working together with United Way Southern Vancouver Island on a local level to support a network of over 100 services for citizens when they need it most.

Is your union interested in starting a workplace campaign with your workplace? Find out how. Start a workplace campaign

Labour Partnership Award

United Way Southern Vancouver Island presents a Labour Partnership Award as part of our annual Spirit Awards to highlight an outstanding collaboration between labour and management to benefit our community.

* United Way Southern Vancouver Island team members are proud members of local CUPE 50